





  • EMC32通过可视化的图表数据以及友好的用户界面将繁复耗时的EMI测试转变为轻松可控的简单窗口程序的操作。
  • EMC32提供了组织管理EMI测试环境、测试人员、测试设备、测试数据以及完整测试所涉及到的各个环节(包括配置、预扫、精调和终测等等)的方便且高效的途径。
  • EMC32软件支持用户创建、定制等多种自定义测试限值的管理功能,为用户的使用提供了足够充分的灵活性和可扩展性。
  • EMC32支持的可定制的报表预览模式也极大程度上简化了EMI测试报表的生成。
  • EMC32可满足各类标准传导和辐射EMI的自动测量,也可自定义测试。
  • 可以按照不同测试标准要求,设定相应的测试模板;
  • EUTTEST可在全国范围内上门安装培训;
  • 可将多次的测试结果,放置在同一张图表中;
  • 报告输出格式支持RTF、PDF,也可以自行编辑报告;
  • 能通过LAN、USB、RS232、GPIB等通信接口远程控制仪器。
  • 报告输出格式支持RTF、HTML、PDF,也可以自行编辑报告
  • Windows软件
  • 可以按照设定的数值,自动选取可疑点,也可以手动选取可疑点
  • 可以按照设定的标准值,自动判断测试结果
  • 可以实时显示转台、天线塔的位置信息,并自动记录在测试结果中
  • 转台、天线塔的移动顺序可调整,也可实现连续旋转测试
  • 软件可以直接输出测试结果至工程师设定的报告模板之中,工程师可自定义设置该模板
  • 报告版面设计可以存储为模版的形式
  • 可以设定密码保护,控制非授权更改软件,确保系统一致性;
  • 测量结束后可自由更换标准限值功能;
  • 三步测量:预扫频,捕捉可疑频点和最终测量;
  • 在最终测量之前,可微调频率选择窄带宽,然后再次找出最糟点时的频率点。
  • 能通过LAN, USB, RS232, GPIB远程控制仪器
  • 软件具有测量结束后可更换标准限值功能, 并能重新绘图

EMC32 测试软件模块:

  • EMC32-EB:EMI测量软件基本版本,用于民品、汽车电子和军品标准,带有硬件保护狗
  • EMC32-K10:EMC32选配件:EMI自动测试模块
  • EMC32-MEB:EMC32-EB的多用户版本
  • EMC32-MK10:EMC32-K10的多用户版本
  • EMC32-S:EMS测试软件选件
  • 另外EUTTEST还提供适用于多种行业的EMC32的软件ikey可选用,包括汽车电子EMC测试,杂散测试,无线测试等。


  • R&S®EMC32-K1 :Enhanced EMS level functions for EMS measurements in accordance with automotive standards and MIL-STD 461E
  • Integrated CAN-BUS monitoring supporting CANoe by Vector Informatik
  • R&S®EMC32-K2:EMC measurement functionalities “audio breakthrough” and “spurious emissions” in accordance with the corresponding wireless standards
  • R&S®EMC32-K3:R&S®EMC32-S option for EMS measurements in Mode Tuned Chambers “Reverberation Chamber”
  • requires R&S®EMC32-K4 option
  • R&S®EMC32-K4 :R&S®EMC32-S option for automatic EMS Test sequences
  • R&S®EMC32-K6 :R&S®EMC32-S option for MIL-STD.461E; CS103, 104, 105
  • R&S®EMC32-K7:R&S®EMC32-S option: Generic driver for generators, power meters and oscilloscopes
  • R&S®EMC32-K8 :Database Interface
  • R&S®EMC32-K10 :
  • EMI Auto Test
  • Fully automatic disturbance measurements To run the R&S®EMC32-K10 software option, the R&S®EMC32-EB basic package for EMI measurements is required.
  • R&S®EMC32-K10A:
  • EMI Autotest extension for spuious measurments
  • The R&S®EMC32-K10A option extends the functionalities of the EMI autotest option EMC32-K10 to perform the spurious measurements in accordance with the standards EN 300328, EN 301 893 and EN 302 502
  • R&S®EMC32-K11 :
  • EMC Test Sequencer
  • Smart linking of EMC test sequences
  • To run the R&S®EMC32-K11 software option, the R&S®EMC32-EB basic package for EMI measurements and/or the R&S®EMC32-S basic package for EMS measurements is required.
  • R&S®EMC32-K21:
  • Application Interface
  • Automation of additional measurement tasks
  • To run the R&S®EMC32-K21 software option, the R&S®EMC32-EB basic package for EMI measurements and/or the R&S®EMC32-S basic package for EMS measurements is required.
  • R&S®EMC32-K22 :
  • Azimuth Chart
  • Measurement of RF radiation patterns of EUTs
  • To run the R&S®EMC32-K22 software option, the R&S®EMC32-EB basic package for EMI measurements is required. For measurements on mobile phones, the R&S®EMC32-K2 software option is also required
  • R&S®EMC32-K23:
  • 3D evaluation for EMI autotest
  • The R&S®EMC32 application software module R&S®EMC32-K23 extends the functionalities of the emission basic software R&S®EMC32-K10 with the possibility to display a 3D chart of the measurement results at a certain critical frequency.
  • R&S®EMC32-K24:
  • Interactive measurement for EMI autotest
  • The R&S®EMC32 application software module R&S®EMC32-K24 extends the functionalities of the emission basic software R&S®EMC32-K10 with the possibility to proceed interactive single measurements.
  • R&S®EMC32-K251:
  • RSE and ABT measurements on TD-SCDMA devices
  • The R&S®EMC32-K251 option extends the functionalities of the wireless basic option EMC32-K2 to cover the TD-SCDMA technology both for Radiated Spurious Emission as well as for Audio Break Through measurements using R&S®CMW500 – Production Test
  • R&S®EMC32-K26:
  • LTE Extension for R&S®EMC32-K2
  • The R&S®EMC32 application software module R&S®EMC32-K26 extends the functionalities of the wireless basic application software R&S®EMC32-K2 to cover now the LTE technology. R&S®EMC32-K26 provides remote controlled measurements using the latest R&S base station emulator R&S®CMW500 – Production Test and the signal condition unit R&S®OSP-B155 which are the core instruments of the RSE / EMI test system R&S®TS8996 as well as the EMS System R&S®TS9982.
  • R&S®EMC32-K27:
  • Dual Receiver Measurement (DRM)
  • To run the R&S®EMC32-K27 option, the R&S®EMC32-EB and R&S®EMC32-K10 options are required.
  • R&S®EMC32-K33 :
  • EMC32-EB option for EMI measurements in Mode Tuned Chambers “Reverberation Chambers”
  • Requires EMC32-K3 and EMC32-K10 options
  • R&S®EMC32-K35:
  • EMS Measurements on Multimedia Receivers
  • R&S®EMC32-K48
  • Shielding Effectiveness Test
  • The R&S®EMC32-K48 option extends the functionalities of the EMS basic module EMC32-S to perform shielding effectiveness measurements in accordance with international standards
  • R&S®EMC32-K51
  • Automotive Band Evaluation
  • R&S®EMC32-EB option for measurement reports of EMI band measurements data in accordance with automotive standards.
  • R&S®EMC32-K56
  • EMI measurements acc. MIL-STD
  • R&S®EMC32-K84
  • Interface to word processing apps
  • The R&S®EMC32-K84 option allows the easy generation of test reports in Microsft Word using customer specific templates.
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