How to get product quotes and purchase products on the EUTTEST website?

Because this website has not been ICP filed, the EUTTEST website does not support online purchase of any products. However, you can use “Add to Cart” and place an order to make a reservation or other ways to get a quote and purchase products.

We will give you a quotation after we obtain the necessary information, so this article lists a variety of ways to get in touch with us.

After you have selected the product model, we recommend that you use Method 1 and Method 2 for product quotation consultation.

1. Add to the shopping cart and pay for the reservation

  • When you browse to the product you are interested in, you can directlyAdd to cart, You can add multiple products.
Add to cart
Add to cart
  • After the addition is complete-click on the topView cartAs shown in the figure below.
View cart
View cart
  • After checking the product model and quantity in the shopping cart, click directly to settle

Note: This website does not support online payment, so all prices are 0, you can click directlysettlement

Settlement page
Settlement page
  • Fill in your information on the settlement page. Be sure to fill in the company name, your title, contact number and email address correctly. This is the minimum requirement for our quotation.

The user name and password are for you to create a new account on the EUTTEST website. You can log in directly next time.

Finally, click to verify the identity of the person. and pay.

Fill in your information
Fill in your information
  • After that, clickPlace an order
Place an order
Place an order
  • When you receive the following information, the system will send a confirmation email to your email address. You can check the email address you filled in. If you receive it from web@euttest. com's email means that your order has been obtained by EUTTEST, please wait for us to get in touch with you.
Confirm order
Confirm order

2. Fill out the form for consultation

  • Fill out the form on the Contact us page and submit it. After the submission is successful, you will receive it from web@euttest. A confirmation email from com.
  • At this time we have received your message, please wait for a reply.
Submit information online to get a quote
Submit information online to get a quote

3. Send e-mail consultation

For more contact information, please refer to Contact us

EUTTEST Shenzhen EUTTEST Technology Co., Ltd.